Why Should You Care About Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?


In this article, we will delve into the underrated subject of indoor air quality, abbreviated as IAQ. As we spend a substantial portion of our time indoors, understanding IAQ is essential. We'll uncover what constitutes IAQ and its significance in our life, health consequences of neglecting it, and ways to improve it. Moving further, we will learn about 'Sick Building Syndrome' and how technology aids in maintaining optimal IAQ. This article is relevant to homeowners, office workers, and those interested in creating healthy indoor environments.


Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it concerns the health and comfort of building occupants. Understanding and managing indoor pollutants can help to reduce your risk of indoor health concerns.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that IAQ specifically looks at the concentration of pollutants indoors, which can be up to 2-5 times higher than outdoor levels. These pollutants include a vast array of substances, some commonly know pollutants being dust, pet dander, cigarette smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from household products and building materials, radon, carbon monoxide, mold spores, bacteria, pollen, viruses and more.

Factors influencing IAQ comprise poor ventilation or lack thereof; high temperature and humidity levels; recent remodeling resulting in construction pollutants such as dust or adhesives; other potential indoor activities releasing pollutants like cooking or keeping a poorly maintained pet cage.

IAQ is an integral part of our environment since we spend a significant amount of time indoors - home, offices or other commercial settings. Therefore understanding what is IAQ falls crucial for wellbeing and maintaining hygiene standards.


It is crucial to prioritize good IAQ, given the average person spends around 90% of their time indoors. High-quality indoor air assumes a key role in promoting health and ensuring general well-being.

The primary objective of good IAQ is to contribute towards creating a comfortable and healthy environment for occupants. If pollutants are reduced significantly or removed from the indoor space, it reduces chances of health problems related to respiratory disorders, allergic reactions and asthmatic flare-ups which are often linked to poor IAQ.

In addition, maintaining an optimal temperature along with sufficient ventilation aids in countering the proliferation of harmful biological pollutants such as molds and viruses that thrive in damp conditions and stagnant air respectively.

Furthermore, quality indoor air helps maintain a healthier mind, contributing to better concentration, less fatigue, enhanced sleep quality, lowered stress levels. It also leads to increased productivity in places like schools and offices where cognitive function is required at high capacity.

Therefore, consideration for good IAQ isn't just about comfort - it's also about fostering an environment conducive to physical health and mental well-being.


Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can have a range of negative impacts on our health. The primary area affected is our respiratory system, where pollutants in the air can cause or exacerbate conditions like asthma and allergies. Moreover, excess dampness or high humidity levels indoors can promote mold growth, leading to allergic reactions and triggering asthma attacks.

Further health issues linked to poor IAQ include headaches; dry eyes, nose, throat; and fatigue. In more severe cases, long-term exposure to contaminants such as radon and airborne asbestos fibers can result in lung cancer and pleural plaques.

Non-specific symptoms are often observed which are closely associated with Sick Building Syndrome – a situation where occupants experience discomforting symptoms that seem linked to the time they spend in a certain building without a specific illness being identified.

Additionally, cognitive functions can take a hit from inadequate IAQ. Studies indicate declining performance under increased concentrations of CO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

In essence, breathing polluted indoor air doesn't only harm our physical health; it also affects our comfort level and mental capacity. Thus, making efforts to maintain good IAQ is an investment in health enhancement and disease prevention.


'Sick Building Syndrome' (SBS) is a term that was created to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a particular building, but where no specific illness or cause can be identified. Symptoms tend to disappear soon after individuals leave the particular building.

The multitude of symptoms reported by those affected include headaches, eye, nose, or throat irritation, dry cough, dry or itchy skin, dizziness and nausea, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue, sensitivity to odors and even certain severe conditions as rashes and shortness of breath. However, since these symptoms are vague and often associated with other factors, diagnosing SBS becomes tricky.

Generally, problems concerning SBS appear connected with flaws in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Other issues may involve contaminants produced by off-gassing from some types of building materials, volatile organic compounds (VOC), molds, improper exhaust ventilation of light industrial chemicals used within, or lack of adequate fresh-air intake/air filtration.

Overall, 'Sick Building Syndrome' signifies an area where significant improvement in indoor air quality could contribute positively to the health and well-being of occupants.


To enhance Indoor Air Quality at home or in the workplace, several practical strategies can be adopted.

Firstly, ensure sufficient ventilation. Regularly opening windows to let fresh air circulate helps reduce indoor pollutant concentrations. For locations with outdoor pollution issues or during extreme weather conditions, mechanical ventilators are essential to supply filtered fresh air.

Secondly, regular cleanliness is vital. Regular dusting and vacuuming minimize particulate matter, pet dander and other allergens. In high humidity regions or seasons, use dehumidifiers to counteract mold growth by maintaining moisture levels below 50%.

Thirdly, adopt effective smoking practices ideally promoting a smoke-free environment. Smoke from cigarettes adds numerous harmful pollutants indoors that affect non-smokers too.

Fourthly, prudent use and storage of chemicals drastically help elevate IAQ. By limiting the use of volatile organic compound (VOC)-emitting products and storing fuels/chemicals in sealed containers outside living spaces prevents exposure resulting from off-gassing.

Lastly, maintaining HVAC systems efficiently is fundamental. Regular cleaning of air ducts and replacement of filters will not only enhance performance but will significantly reduce circulation of indoor pollutants.

By adopting these strategies you can largely improve your IAQ, ensuring a healthier and more comfortable environment for all occupants.


One significant advantage of modern technology is its ability to effectively monitor and control Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Equipment such as air quality monitors provides real-time results on a variety of pollutants and particulates in the indoor environment. These devices can measure parameters like CO2 levels, particulate matter (PM 2.5 or PM10), VOCs, temperature, humidity, and sometimes specific gases like radon.

With smart automated ventilation systems integrated with air quality monitors, it is now possible to manage IAQ actively rather than passively. These systems react to changes in pollutant concentration or environmental conditions and adjust ventilation rate accordingly, thereby ensuring optimal indoor environment at any given time.

Moreover, innovative air purifying technologies have emerged that are capable of removing microscopic pollutants from the air including viruses and fine dust particles.

Several 'Clean Tech' companies are designing software applications that provide detailed analysis of IAQ data logged over time offering incredible insights into trends and patterns which can help identify issues troubling IAQ.

Thus technology empowers us, giving us an upper hand against invisible enemies by not just highlighting problem areas but also offering efficient solutions to better our indoor environments.


In conclusion, Indoor Air Quality significantly impacts our health, productivity, and overall quality of life. By understanding its various aspects, recognizing poor IAQ symptoms like 'Sick Building Syndrome', implementing strategies to improve it and harnessing technology to monitor it effectively, we can ensure healthier and safer indoor environments.